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August 14, 2017 — A celebrity touts the miraculous “fountain of youth” properties of an expensive face cream. A pop-up ad claims that “plastic surgeons don’t want you to know about this product that would put them out of business”! Dramatic before-and-after photos in the back of a gossip magazine show an elderly woman with a face of wrinkles,... Read More
August 14, 2017 — Dad has been diagnosed with early-stage Alzheimer’s disease. He insists that it’s still perfectly safe for him to drive—but is it? This conversation has led to some tense moments as the family discuss the best way to care for Dad as the disease progresses. Some of the common changes of aging can make driving unsafe.... Read More
August 1, 2017 — Joe was a 64 year old gentleman with autism, who was placed in a nursing home after his father died. He was a big guy, loved the Yankees, and had a tremendous singing voice, but couldn’t walk and needed full assistance with all activities of daily living. Joe’s Aunt Edie was appointed as his guardian... Read More