Jessica Lesnik

Jessica LesnikGeriatric Care Manager

Being able to partialize, problem solve and advocate has always been a strength of mine.  I remember from an early age, friends telling me I was such a good person to talk to as I not just lent a sympathetic ear, but also helped talk through, strategize & problem solve.  I have always felt that most problems when broken down could be addressed with a plan of action.   Perhaps I learned this skill as I am the child of a psychiatrist and I was raised with these qualities encouraged in me.  This strength of mine led me to gaining my BS from Union College in Psychology and my Masters in Social Work from Columbia University.  As a social worker, we are taught both in school and in practice to “meet the client where they are”; to listen and then work together to strategize and plan for what can help alleviate or solve the issues at hand.

My social work career has covered the span of the life cycle.  I started in maternal child health with counseling teens & young adults with high-risk pregnancies in a women’s health center, then moved into the area of adolescents and young mothers and then transitioned into counseling parents around issues with their growing children and themselves.   After I took some time off to raise my young children, I wanted to return to social work and I accepted a part time position at a physical rehab/geriatric facility (Inglemoor).  Coincidentally at this time, my father’s pulmonary disease was worsening and suddenly here I was with both my personal and professional lives running parallel.   My father even came to Inglemoor as a patient while I was working there!  I have realized that life transitions are really where my interests and clinical skills lie; whether it is new baby, mother/child development or the process of aging, helping families & individuals navigate them was challenging but also very rewarding.   Over the past 15 years, I have worn many hats in the space of Senior Care and developed my arsenal of clinical skills, coordination of care expertise and resource referrals.   I feel this has all led me to Peace Aging Care Experts.  I have referred to and worked alongside other care managers and have always felt that  Peace Care Managers counseled their clients with the compassion & dignity they deserve.   I am proud to be part of this team!