Marisa Pazar, CTRS

Marisa Pazar, CTRSSPICE Team Manager

Certified Therapeutic Recreational Specialist
Friendly Visitor Activity Program Coordinator

Growing up as a young kid I honestly had no idea what I wanted to be when I grew up. I bounced around several ideas and careers, but I always told myself no matter what I end up doing, it needed to be something that I was passionate about.

Family is the most important thing in my life. One day, my grandfather, with whom I was very close, had a stroke. My family and I stuck together with him throughout his entire recovery process. Seeing how all the therapists, social workers, and nurses came together and treated him with such compassion, respect, patience and motivation was truly inspiring to me. As a result of their care and our family’s support, my grandfather was brought back to the strong man we all knew and loved prior to his stroke.

After seeing this amazing process, my heart was set on working in the health care field. My journey led me to earning a degree in Exercise Science. It was there that I was introduced to the field of Therapeutic Recreation and I immediately fell in love!

Being able to create activities to stimulate individuals both mentally and physically is such a rewarding experience! I have experience working with people who have all forms of dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease. Not only have I made an impact on their lives, they have truly made an impact on mine!

At Peace Aging Care Experts, LLC, I am excited to bring Therapeutic Recreation into the lives of our clients. My position offers me the opportunity to bring mental stimulation, engagement, joy and happiness to their lives just the way the therapists and nurses did for my grandfather. I’m honored to be a part of such an amazing team and to be in a position where I can bring to our clients all aspects of what Therapeutic Recreation has to offer.

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